May 06, 2006

Sleepless in Oklahoma!

Well here we go again.....Here I am sitting up at 0100 unable to fall asleep and reluctant to even attempt getting into the bed. I've talked to other military wives who have a problem similar to this when the husband is deployed. I recently spoke with one woman who went so far as to move out of the master bedroom and into the guest room. She said that since she was sleeping in different bed it didn't feel like she was sleeping "ALONE".

My personal favorite is not washing the pillow case he last used. (Is that gross?)

Is this a common problem among wives? Do we all have trouble sleeping alone or sleeping without our spouse in the same building?

I'm interested in hearing how other people cope.


Erin said...

I slept downstairs on the couch while Mark was gone. It felt so scary and empty upstairs without him. Well, that was when I actually slept. Most of the time, I just stayed up at night playing spades online. I sooo know how you feel girl.

Daughter, Wife and Mom! said...

I know what you are going through. When Donte left I put the boys in our bed and I slept on the Futon in the computer room for months....not comfortable at all. I could hear him buzz me on messenger this way. After a few months I realized that I could hear it just fine from my own bed, it was either that or pure exhaustion from not getting much sleep on the futon. I know that you didnt get much notice and therfore you didnt get to prepare fully. It doesn't matter how many deployments they have been on there is ALWAYS an adjustement time....a few weeks a few months. Do whatever feels right for you. In the mean time call me whenever you need. Lean on your kids, your doing that you let them lean on you too.