Musuems visited: Ripleys, Madame Toussauds, Guiness World Records.....and last but not least THE ALAMO
This was the entrance to the Horror portion of Madame Toussaud's. If only I had been prepared we would be able to watch a video of Dante' running up the stairs after hearing the screams. Needless to say he decided not to enter. :)
Robert Wadlow was 9 feet tall, let's hope James stops growing before he gets close to that.
An actaual vampire killing kit...believe it or not.
The world's heaviest man weighed in at 1400lbs, I don't know what Dante' was thinking.
Next time on Oprah...Dante'
We thought this was funny. We've been to Berlin and touched pieces of the wall and walked the line that remains in Berlin. However, we had to come to Texas to touch the largest piece that remains of it.
This city has some of the most beautfil old buildings, very gothic.
.....and The Alamo!
As we drove up they both chimed in unison...."that's it". I then had to explain that it was built by hand and without it, we wouldn't have Texas.
awww talk about warm fuzzies. James is all grown up and Dante had me cracking up showing his litte belly next to the blob. HEHEHEHE Hey I tried to call you the other day. Did you get my message?
No, I didnt' get your message...Deantree might have deleted messages and neglected to relay them to me. You may have more luck trying my cell phone M-F.
I am home M-F during the week, so please try again if you have time.
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