September 15, 2008

Gotta Say Something...

Normally, I wouldn't comment on anything political, but these results forced me to. For anyone not voting or unsure please consider the following:

War is ugly, but with current technology do we really need to continue to sacrifice our soldiers. Until leadership makes it their mission to get someone down in the weeds assigning deployments equally across the board and not abusing a select few excessive for deployments, we need to consider a change. Yes, I know nothing is 100% equal, but don't try to tell me it is OK for soldiers who have been in for 5+ years and not have deployed by now, while I see family and friends taking trip 3, 4, and 5.

Please keep in mind while, I appreciate John McCain for his duty to this country, he know wants to disband the VA and push veterans into civilian care. Rather than correct the issues with the VA and continue to give veterans a safe haven with Dr. and others who understand their ailments and demons. I have been the with military my whole life and I have slowly watched REPUBLICANS strip away the few benefits we have, while trying to appease every one with a slightly larger pay raise that what the DEMOCRATS provide.

I am neither a Democrat or a Republican. I am an Army wife and child and an Air Force Mother. I am a woman with career who values her family, her home and her rights.

Please Vote!

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