November 09, 2008

Random thoughts about our new leadership

I have heard so many thoughts and comments about our new president. Arguments about everything from; Is he REALLY black? Does it matter that he's black? Is the he the Reagan of the Democrats? Is he taxing people over $250k? $200k? $150k? The questions go on and on.

The media and his critics couldn't wait for his first press conference so they could latch onto anything to create a negative spin. (The Nancy Reagan comment). However, just once could we see an good ol' positive? For instance, he commented about wanting a shelter dog, but most of them are mutts, "like me". Aren't most Americans? Can't most of us unit behind a comment like that, even just for the humor in it.

Or maybe, unit behind the fact that he came out and said the United States has one president at a time and tried to focus the country on continuing to follow their current leader. I for one applaud both John McCain and Barack Obama for being gracious in victory and defeat. John McCain has continue to display the qualities that make him a great American and contender. Admittedly, he may have had my vote were it not for his choice of running mate.

America loves to boast of being a melting pot and how our diversity makes us stronger. Its time to put our money where our mouths are and stand behind our ELECTED winner. If you didn't use your voice to vote when you had a chance.....then SHUT THE F&^% UP and wait until 2012. To those who did vote matter who your candidate.....thank you for voting....thank you for taking the time to execise you right.....people died to give it you.....embrace it.

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