September 06, 2006

James has a Book Quote to offer

Those of you know James, also know that he likes to read as well. However, sporadic and random it may be, he does it on his own. He was interested in my Book Quotes post and rushed to get a book of his own to add. He grabbed the closest book, which was located on the closet floor and gave this jewel:

"Go out a little bit, and I'll hit you a grounder."
"Why did I sign up for this? I should just move."
"Ready? Now, be sure to run up to the ball. Don't let it roll to you."
"Are you OK? Sometimes the ball bounces up like that, and you've got to be ready."
"Thags for the tib, Dad. Fide my node and pud id in ice so they can sew id bag od!"
-The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book

I love my child!

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