September 06, 2006

Book Quotes.......

I saw this on Trying to Grok and thought it would be fun. I have books waiting to be read, but can't seem to get life to slow down enough so I can read them. Anywho, here goes...........


1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your Blog (Please include the book and author) along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag five people.

I have two books stacked neatly on my nightstand....but the one on top is the first in line to be read.

"I had not yet heard of thongs (!) and therefore obsessed maniacally over how to banish panty lines, themselves the focus of many a coffee-break critique. No matter how many times I tried them on, I couldn't bring myself to wear a tube top to work."- The Devil Wears Prada

To counter the fluff, I offer the second book in line:

"As for why, he had read about the case and was curious, just wanted to se what the place looked like. "And then," according to Mr. Helm's memory of the episode, "somebody asked him was he a hitchhiker? Hitchhiking his way to New Mexico? No, he said, he was driving his own car." - In Cold Blood

And just to show how random I can be.............this was on the shelf under the TV:

(This book only has 94 pages, so I chose page 23.)
'"At first I was annoyed with the obvious simplicity of the story because it sounded like something we might have been told in school.
"Then I realized I was really annoyed with myself for not seeing the obvious and doing what works when things change.
"When I realized the four characters in the story represented the various parts of myself, I decided who I wanted to act like and I changed.' - Who Moved My Cheese?

And now to tag five people:

Kelly (now you have a few things to post)


Sarah said...

Have you read In Cold Blood yet? I read it a few months ago, and I loved it.

Vonn** said...

I'm actually starting it this weekend. I bought it about two months ago and it's driving my crazy not to have time to read it.

Thanks for the motivation.

Jules said...

Speaking of Truman Capote... did you see Philip Seymour Hoffman in Capote? Curious if you had any thoughts on that. Some movies lauded so heavily by the Oscars I was actually considering checking out. Others like Syriana and Munich were definite misses for me.

I have seen Hoffman in several other movies, recently as well as older ones, and this one looked sort of intersting.

Of course, at the same time Hollywoodland and Black Dahlia are also looking pretty intersting. But, I digress. What a surprise :-)

Sarah said...

My advice is to read the book before you see the movie Capote. I think if you see the movie, you won't be able to read the book with "fresh" eyes. I don't want to give away too much by explaining what I mean, but I really insist that the book should come first...

Vonn** said...

Well then, I'm screwed!

I've already seen the movie. I rushed out to rent most of the Oscar favorites after the awards. I absolutely loved Capote. I thought Hoffman did a wonderful job. I hope I still enjoy the book.

As for the Black Dahlia...even though Scarlet Ho-hansen is in it, I'm hoping they stuck to the facts. Should be good, if they did.

Daughter, Wife and Mom! said...

gonna post for ya Im scared though I just finished A Million Little Pieces....hope its not a bunch of *^$^%## LOL