December 19, 2007


Have you ever been at a point in your life when you knew you needed to do something, but just couldn't find the desire or motivation?

Well, I'm there AGAIN! I know that I need to get back on the wagon and lose weight for my health, but every time I am faced with a choice of what to eat..... I choose wrong. Then of course there is the aftermath of the overwhelming guilt for eating something I knew was wrong.

I don't want to be one of those women who lives her life floating on a constant sea of diets, I would rather subscribe to a "lifestyle change". I managed to do it successfully in Germany to the tune of 36lbs., but gained much of it back with my "lifestyle change" back in the U.S.

Argghhh! Now that I have acknowledged my issue, guess that means its time to face the music and just do it.

Alright team, let's do it for the Gipper!


Jules said...

I know what you mean... I have the same problem doing things like staying active and updating my resume.

When you figure out how to stay motivated... let me know :-)

Sarah said...

I just started Medifast. I have already lost five pounds. I chose medifast because I am sick and tired of making choices. I just wanted to take a break from food for a while. So far so good.

Anonymous said...

"Knowing is half the battle, GI Joooooe"

I know what you mean. In Germany, I didn't have to think about it. Here, geez... I have to make deals and rules for myself (about food). (About working out,) I have to be creative and incorporate it into what I'm doing anyway... For example, I live in a townhouse, and I'm always forgetting something upstairs, so I carry dumbbells with me every time I walk up and down the stairs. (I'm still recovering from the holidays.)